Diary of a Go-Getter

Diary of a Go-Getter

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I am opening this page with an awesome quote, one that you may be familiar with:

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.”

This Shakespearean quote that still holds true today has inspired me as to how I can share my life story. In particular, in sharing glimpses of my journey, especially my Go-Getter one. I will return to this quote shortly, but in the meantime, let’s talk about how I became the Go-Getter!

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.”

William Shakespeare

Shy girl finding her voice

I found my speaking voice at a later age than most. I was four years old and recall going through various assessments and tests with specialists. My parents were worried, but then one specialist, who was not dressed as glamorously as some of their peers, told my parents, “Don’t worry, she will talk! And when she does, there will be no stopping her!”

For the people who know me, this is not an understatement, as I do love to chat! I love to talk, connect with people, and learn more about their background stories. We all have a story to tell, a book inside us.

It is one thing to have a voice, but to speak aloud in public and have your say is another thing. I did not always feel confident speaking out due to my shyness, and my fear of being judged and not accepted. But as I matured, I found that my voice, as well as yours, matters.

Life is a series of chapters

Like Shakespeare, I see life as a series of chapters, each a different experience or episode, almost akin to a television show. In each chapter, there is the beginning where the topic or characters are introduced, or the previous theme is continued. The middle part tends to be juicier, because that is where all the action takes place! It’s where joy and challenges can be encountered. Then comes the end, which may not necessarily be a conclusion, but can lead to a new beginning—the start of a new chapter. This cycle repeats.

Life in the ‘Dam –the birthing of the Go-Getter

Welcome to Diary of a Go-Getter, where I will share the middle part—the journey of my Go-Getter life.

The Go-Getter is the nickname that has been given to me. People describe me as a Go-Getter, as I simply go for the things that I want to achieve. I did in 2008, when I decided to leave my family, friends, and boyfriend to live in the Netherlands. A place that I had not been on holiday to  and did not know anyone there except for my sister’s boyfriend who had worked in finance, but he was returning to the UK. For me, it was a new start, and I did it!

Although not everything went according to plan, I learned about getting out of my comfort zone. So, I now know I have the power within to succeed. For example, there was one difficult day when I was walking the streets of Old Amsterdam when a stranger approached me and said, “You have an aura of success! You are going to do well.” He felt this, even when I was feeling down on my luck from being out of work, and trying to preserve my dream. But he was right. I overcame the down period that came next, and I rose and continued to rise like a phoenix!

This depiction of a phoenix is how one person described me, and then concluded, “You get up after the knocks. You don’t give up.” So perhaps this is the best description of the Go-Getter.

Behind the scenes: “It’s the journey not the destination”

I invite you to see the behind-the-scenes, the adventures, the journey of my life. Like the launch of my #AgeOfHonesty merchandise line, where I start promoting my new T-shirts. I love travelling, especially solo travelling. I’d love to take you along on my travels. People often ask how I do it.

So, let’s go on the Go-Getter journey. If you want to be part of this amazing journey and see exclusive behind-the-scenes moments, then subscribe here.