“Your journey to becoming a single important person starts here”


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I’m Sophia, an entrepreneur, coach, storyteller, and founder of the Single Important Person™ (S.I.P) method – a life philosophy for the rule-breakers, risk-takers, and self-seekers.

I’ve always been a people pleaser, striving to make others happy while living up to society’s expectations. But along the way, I realised I was neglecting to please the most important person in my life: me.

This lightbulb moment is what inspired me to create the S.I.P method – to empower you to live a good life too. A life where you have the confidence to celebrate your individuality, regardless of your relationship status or career choice. A life where you embrace vulnerability and turn it into opportunities. A life where you prioritise self-exploration.

We are all worthy of happiness. We are all worthy of being an S.I.P.

I’m Sophia, an entrepreneur, coach, storyteller, and founder of the Single Important Person™ (S.I.P) method – a life philosophy for the rule-breakers, risk-takers, and self-seekers.

I’ve always been a people pleaser, striving to make others happy while living up to society’s expectations. But along the way, I realised I was neglecting to please the most important person in my life: me.

This lightbulb moment is what inspired me to create the S.I.P method – to empower you to live a good life too. A life where you have the confidence to celebrate your individuality, regardless of your relationship status or career choice. A life where you embrace vulnerability and turn it into opportunities. A life where you prioritise self-exploration.

We are all worthy of happiness. We are all worthy of being an S.I.P.


Sophia Husbands

Be the lead character of your life

It’s your life; you write the script.

The S.I.P method empowers you to prioritise yourself every day and love yourself no matter which chapter you’re in.

Unlock the confidence to be you and be different through uplifting advice, inspiring storytelling, and an encouraging community of like-minded S.I.Ps on their own journeys of self-exploration.


“Sophia’s advice was invaluable. She encouraged me to push myself more, so I did. Thanks Sophia, I will forever be in your debt.”

Alesha Williams-Roban, Executive Assistant

“Sophia is really good at giving advice and every time we chat, I want to better myself. Thank you for making me go and do what I love and helping me come out of my shell.”

Michelle Vella-Rolon, Artist and Stay-at-home mum

“Sophia helped me realise a lifelong dream that had been blocked due to a fear of mine. She has a wonderful perspective on life and a passion for helping people that shows.”

Shana Grant, Designer


“Working with Sophia has been a transformational experience. I feel like I’ve got my mojo back. I am being my awesome self! I recommend her work to all entrepreneurs who are ready to challenge their world and be their awesome self within it!”

Richard Thomas Voller, PR and Developmental Editor

“I started quite low on confidence and not really believing in the dream. But after speaking with Sophia and her sharing various different strategies and techniques, I came away feeling confident, more able to see that it means things can happen and should happen. Thank you.”

Navdeep Saini, Management Accountant, watch the testimonial here

“With Sophia’s help, I feel a lot more confident and I’m starting to believe that what I have to say is good enough to be heard by an audience. Thank you, Sophia, for all your help.”

Mel Peake, Psychotherapist

“The most telling thing about Sophia is her ability to put one at ease. I was impressed by her positive attitude and endless go-getter spirit. In my conversations with friends and family, I often find myself quoting her intelligent and well-thought-out memes”

Cecelia Grant-Peters, UK Poet & Educator


“Sophie has been absolutely amazing her advice was invaluable I was so unhappy at my last role and wanted to be a company secretary or executive Personal Assistant. Sophie encouraged me to get the qualifications to further and push myself more so I did and now thanks to her I am now working as a company secretary. Thanks Sophie I will forever be in your debt.”

Alesha Williams-Roban, Executive Assistant

“Sophia really helped me gain the confidence to start repainting furniture. I have started up a shabby chic business on my front porch. My jewellery making idea will shortly follow. Sophia is really good at giving advice and every time we chat face-to-face I want to better myself. Thank you so much, Sophia, for making me go and do what I love and for helping me come out of my shell. I totally recommend your services.”

Michelle Vella-Rolon, Artist and Stay-at-home mum

“The most telling thing about Sophia is her ability to put one at ease. I was impressed by her positive attitude and endless go-getter spirit. In my conversations with friends and family, I often find myself quoting her intelligent and well-thought-out meme”

Cecelia Grant-Peters, UK Poet & Educator

“Sophia was amazing! She gave me sound advice and encouragement that has helped me realise a lifelong dream that had been blocked due to a fear of mine. She has a wonderful perspective on life and a passion for helping people that shows when you are talking with her. After I discovered her blog a few months back and read her ebook, I was hooked. What a wonderful heart, soul and beautiful spirit:)

Thank you Sophia!”

Shana Grant, Designer

“Working with Sophia has really been a transformational experience. I used to have a corporate career in public relations which I loved, but I didn’t really love the company. So I left and went on a journey to discover what I really wanted to do? On that journey my path crossed with Sophia. Through her books and training courses, I feel like I’ve got my mojo back and recently I have setup my own PR company, VOLLER Co-Creatives, supporting entrepreneurs to grow their own startup businesses.  Everyday now I am living the life of my dreams, doing the work I love and being financially rewarded for it! Yes, I am being my awesome self! So I am very grateful to SophiaWorld and recommend her work to all entrepreneurs who are ready to challenge their world and be their awesome self within it! Yes, Just as I am!” 

Richard Thomas Voller, PR and Developmental Editor

I have always loved writing but I have struggled with the imposter syndrome on whether I would be good enough to one day get my work published. This meant I never tried. I had half-written books that I would get around to finishing ‘one day’. But one day was never today. Then an opportunity came up where I was commissioned to write monthly articles which I loved. But it was an opportunity that fell into my lap, and I didn’t know how to go out and get more work for myself to make it a viable way to make a living. 

Working with Sophia at Go-Getter really helped. She put me in touch with social media groups, contacts and newsletters to expand my network so that I would have visibility over potential new opportunities. She guided me through the process of pitching my ideas to editors. And even sourced some training opportunities for me.

With Sophia’s help, I feel a lot more confident approaching people and I’m starting to believe that what I had to say is good enough to be heard by an audience. I have gone on to get several more commissions including one-off pieces for national publications, as well as regular monthly commissions. This has made writing a viable career option for me, so I am being paid to do something I love. 

Thank you Go Getter for all your help.

Mel Peak, Psychotherapist, Your Content Goes Here

So I don’t normally post a lot of reviews but feel like after my session with Sophia. I had to definitely post something. So I started the session with Sophia quite low on confidence and not really believing in the dream. But after speaking with her and her sharing various different strategies and techniques that she made very realistic to me and based around my individual circumstances. I came away feeling confident, a lot more able to see that it means things can happen and should happen. So just want to say thank you very much for that, and looking forward to seeing where this takes us. Thank you

Navdeep Saini, Management Accountant, Your Content Goes Here

They say that a miracle occurs when there is a shift in thinking

“Insanity is wanting to change your situation and repeating the same actions over again”