Hi, I’m Sophia!

About SophiaWorld

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My journey

I see life as a series of chapters, each a different experience or episode. The pages of my life are rich with both joy and challenges. But I know that every ending can lead to a new beginning – the start of a new chapter.

My journey has taken me from accounting professional to a lifestyle lecturer to lifestyle mentor. But it was finding the courage to break free of the corporate conveyor belt in favour of a digital nomad lifestyle that shaped me into the person I am today. Living and working in the Canary Islands, Netherlands, and UK took me out of my comfort zone and challenged my mentality.

Not everything has gone according to plan – every hero’s storyline has its ups and downs, after all. But my experiences, both professional and personal, have taught me that I don’t have to conform to traditional standards.

I am my own leading lady; I am my life’s Single Important Person and I have the power within to succeed.

Chapter I: Writing

I haven’t always felt confident speaking out. I was once shy and feared being judged. But as I matured, I found that my voice matters – as does yours.

My writing allows me to share the values that matter most to me: confidence, wellness and honesty. I’m passionate about sharing my vulnerabilities with others and offering tools for overcoming life’s challenges and celebrating life’s joys.

I’ve been privileged to write for numerous publications, including Huffpost, Carefree Magazine, and Thrive Global.

Chapter II: Coaching

I’m drawn towards helping others, so it’s only natural that I became a career coach. I encouraged people to believe in themselves and take the necessary steps towards building their dreams.

Advocating for yourself and foraging your dream career is a hard but rewarding path. I never thought I would say to my manager ‘I am a wasted talent here’. But I did. And it got me a promotion.

The feedback I had from clients motivated me to go further. I wanted to inspire people to stand up for themselves not just professionally, but personally, too.

This was the beginning of my next chapter. All roads lead to S.I.P.

Credit: Liz McAulay/Prima Magazine

Chapter III: S.I.P

For me, finding happiness has been a series of journeys — journeys that I am still on today. By sharing my story, I hope to help you find joy and create your ideal life.

One day, I was walking through a supermarket when I saw a V.I.P banner on display. I had a lightbulb moment. Why do people place so much emphasis on the importance of others? We often fail to realise an important person we are forgetting is ourselves.

Why do we hold V.I.Ps in such high regard when everyone is an S.I.P? Yes, you! You are a Single Important Person and I believe in you.

“Love yourself, no matter which chapter you’re in.”

Sophia Husbands

If I can climb a mountain, so can you!”

Travel is a huge part of my journey. Whenever I visit a new place, I love to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. It’s about proving that if I can climb a mountain or go paragliding, I can do anything I set my mind to.

And so can you!

Being an S.I.P empowers you to approach challenges head on and overcome them in your own way.

It connects you with others who you can relate to. Because we are social creatures who are ultimately seeking togetherness. It gives you the confidence to be yourself and know that you are loved and valued for who you are.

Say “yes” to doing great things for yourself.